“Most of us figure out where we are going after we arrive.”
If you are reading this, something in your life has happened to get you here.
If you are like me when I started my journey of exploration, I wasn’t sure what I needed to do.
Mainly because I had tried a lot of things. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to be working well. And if it did, inevitably the wheels would fall off again.
“Where am I?”
“How do I get where I want to be?”
While I had informal mentors in my life, I didn’t know about Life Coaching.
If you had asked me, “Do you want a coach?”, I feel sure I would have said, “Thanks, but no thanks.”
So here are a few things to consider about coaches…
Unlike family and friends, coaches are neutral third parties. You don’t have to worry about the emotions and agendas of others with a coach.
Coaching is not therapy, though you may want to see a therapist as well. Coaching often builds out therapeutic practices you have identified in therapy.
Coaching is generally about helping you identify goals and offering a measure of accountability to help you achieve them. Coaches help you discern where you want to go and identify goals to get you there.
Coaches are people who have lived experience, training, and other skills that they offer to their clients.
I believe that all clients can make the change in their lives they are seeking. Coaches are guides on their journey.
My coaching method is to start by getting to know you and your situation. From there, we establish goals including the pace and frequency for the coaching. If you think you are ready to try something different to get a different result, coaching may be the right answer for you.