What’s RECOVEry
"I think recovery from anything is honestly the most courageous thing a person can do."
Defining “recovery” is not easy.
You will find descriptions like this:
Recovery is the ability to engage in active life.
Recovery is finding meaning and purpose.
Recovery is experienced as a positive sense of self.
For me, it was more basic.
Recovery meant having a sense of peace and hope instead of anticipating the next “thing” I would have to deal with.
How do people recover?
The researchers Prochaska and DiClemente were curious as to how and why some people can sustain changes in their life. They developed the “Stages of Change” model, and the first stage is “Pre-contemplation” meaning you are not really thinking about change at all. Then something happens that makes you consider making changes. This is called “Contemplation.” So, recovery starts with a change process where you become aware that things are not working for you and you consider what to do about it.
In my life, I have attempted many changes. Some successfully, some not.
The difference was linked to how much pain I was in.
The more painful a situation, the more interested I was in doing something new, the easier it was to make changes.
In other words, was I willing to do the things necessary to live differently?
Often times, clients struggle with willingness to adopt new ways of being in relationship with others. Sometimes the familiar way wins even when it is painful. The recovery process can be hard, and that’s why recovery from anything takes courage.
When you have someone coaching you and offering you support throughout the change process, you have a much better chance of success.