“What is my part?”

Years ago, I was struggling.

I was struggling at work, in relationships, as a parent … Just about everywhere in my life. I was having a hard time sorting out “Why?” I was in that place. Finally, someone asked me what I was looking for?

I am not exactly sure what all I said. But the answer I gave was essentially this.

“I want to know what I keep missing?”

“I keep trying different things but they aren’t working.”

“There is some common denominator in these situations.”

“I just don’t know what it is.” 

This wise person said, “The common denominator is you.”And, that was it.

I was so busy looking elsewhere that I had not considered,

“What is my part in all of this?”

knowing your story

When we get curious and become open to the idea that maybe there is more to know about ourselves, then we are ready to go on the journey to learn new ways to be in relationships with others and life.

The journey led me to compassionate new ways to communicate, set boundaries, and be at peace.

My career was spent helping others in the practice of law.

Through coaching and consulting, I now help others on their journey of self-discovery and healing.


  • Nothing changes if nothing changes.

  • I don’t have to figure it all out alone.

  • I grow by facing my struggles.

  • I have all the answers within me.

  • I sometimes need a guide to find my truth.

  • Curiosity is the spark that lights my way towards understanding.

  • There is something out there operational in the Universe that is bigger than my ego.

Please contact me to discover “What is your part?“